A powerful pathogen has changed norms and beliefs for ever in the recent times. Little did we know that the thought of being indestructible was a myth? COVID-19 has swept almost all sectors of the world economy, leaving the super system of world power and advancement paralysed. Business sectors like health, education, finance and many more are limping to stay afloat the crisis.

The old methods of conducting work and business will no longer exist now. Our ways to progress will have to adapt to the changes which in turn will get us out of the recession.

Like many countries in the world, United Arab Emirates has also not been spared from the effect of the pandemic. Tourism suffered a blow while homes have turned into new office spaces to curb the spread of the microbe.

So to rise from the drastic impact, we have to look and invent new ways to function. We feel happy to share some business ideas in Dubai that will help businesses to propel in such trying times. 

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We need to learn and understand one thing very clearly- the businesses are going to change forever. Ideas of the business, ways to operate and ways to deliver results, all are under major transformation all over the world. If you are looking to buy a new business in Dubai, you will have to adapt new ways to procure it.

Before that, if you are a First timer in Dubai, have a look below the blog link. So you can prepare yourself for your Dubai Visit.

First Timers in Dubai- Complete Guide

Let’s take a look.

1. Accept the change

If you had only offline visibility before the pandemic, then this is the best time to go online and retain your visibility. Sell your stuff online and you will lure shoppers who are always craving for easy shopping. Be it accessories, footwear, clothes, essentials, food or electronics- you can deliver anything with an online visibility.

2. Remember, your online presence is a must

Lockdown and work from home has made people glue to their devices be it laptop or mobile phones. Good and strategic marketing of your website will keep people informed about any deals or offers or new inventory which your website has. If you are a teacher, post tutorials on different platforms or if you love gardening, post tips for gardening in backyards or relevant spaces that can make interiors fancy. This will keep the audiences informed and engaged.

3. How to keep healthy while out

People are all at home. Confined within the four walls, doing their routine tasks – this will make them lethargic. You can post how they can go out and breathe fresh air while performing yoga or playing games with loved ones. This way they will follow your instructions and you can even post yoga video too. You can encourage them to spend quality time in such trying times while you can benefit too from such types of businesses.

4. IT, IT & IT

Almost all businesses have started promoting online. Websites, mobile applications and email marketing has made the IT services in great demand. You can surely start your own IT firm and it will perform well in such crisis. From creating websites to remote networking apps, there are infinite zones in which you can fetch good projects and money which in turn will give you and many other financial stability.

5. Interior Designing

People have now started to revamp their homes as they have reserved a space for their office work during the lock down and work from home practice. Almost all are working in their T-shirts and shorts. This new collaboration of designing the interior of homes to facilitate comfortable work from home culture will definitely give you good opportunities to do business.

6. Write

When people are glued to their devices at home, they will spent good amount of time on reading and researching. So write while you are looking for work. New ideas, new angles to old ideas, unique knowledge along with regular content will give you new horizons for doing business. And you can write remotely form your home, no need to open a new office. Since so many businesses are being promoted online, writing jobs are in abundance.

7. Home-based business

Small ventures like bakery or henna art can be quite fruitful in such times of crisis. Use this opportunity to the fullest. 

By now you must have some idea of starting your own business according to the new norms. All the best.